Can you help at Gala Fest?
Framlingham Gala Fest is organised and run by a small hard working team of volunteers, but help is needed across the weekend to make sure things run smoothly for everyone attending the events.
There are a number of ways you can get involved and even just one hour is greatly appreciated.
To let us know if you can volunteer or for more details please contact Steve on 07836590904 or email framlinghamgalafest@gmail.com
Car Parking
Car parking is available at Framlingham Sports Club across the weekend and volunteers are needed to direct drivers into position and take payment.
You can do as little as 1 or 2 hours, or more if you are available, on the Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
For more details about car parking and available time slots please contact Steve on 07836590904 or email framlinghamgalafest@gmail.com
Man a Stall
On Gala Fest Monday there are various side stall games and volunteers are needed to man them for 1 or 2 hours at a time, or longer if you are available.
For more details or to let us know if you would like help and what times you are available please contact Steve on 07836590904 or email framlinghamgalafest@gmail.com
Setting up / Disassemble
For each part of the Gala Fest weekend things need to be set up beforehand and taken down afterwards and cleared up.
Setting up includes putting up tents, marking out the Team Duathlon course and staging. Tidying up, taking down the tents and litter picking takes place after each event.
Volunteers are needed across the weekend so if you can help at any point or would like more details please contact Steve on 07836590904 or email framlinghamgalafest@gmail.com
Join the Committee
The Committee are always open to new members joining the team with fresh ideas. They meet once a month on a Wednesday throughout the year, and weekly in the run up to the event.
If you feel you would like to help with the event organisation, or have new ideas to put forward please do get in touch with Chairman Steve on 07836590904 or email framlinghamgalafest@gmail.com